Thursday, 09 June 2016 10:18

How To Punk (Bleach) Your Denim Jeans

gucci punk denim jeansmenswear cruise 17 gucci punk jeansIf you’ve been taking notes from the latest men’s collection from Gucci, Cruise ’17 to be precise, you’ll have seen that they’ve looked to Britain and our anarchic past and created classically punked denim.

Both - Gucci Cruise '17

I’ve been tempted to bleach some jeans for a while now, ever since a splash back, while cleaning, left an interesting finish. 

Below - An original skinhead

punk denim jeans how to

tester denimhow to create bleached jeans menswearHere's how:

Take a pair of jeans that have been languishing at the back of the wardrobe. Look for something slim or tapered. Make it a pair you were going to chuck out, so you’ve got nothing to lose if you don’t like the finish.

Left - Test the bleach on a pair of unwanted jeans so you get an idea of the finish

Don’t use your favourite pair of jeans. Look for a pair where you like the fit, but not the wash or colour.

Left - Stuff the legs with newspaper to control the bleach to one side of the jeans

I’ve gone for an old pair of Lee 101s which have braces attached which only adds to the skinhead look. Im taking the braces off before I start as I don’t want these splattered with bleach.



group punks the chic geekGet some standard household bleach. You can wear gloves if you prefer.

Lie the jeans out flat in the bath tub or shower tray or do outside. Stuff the legs with newspaper to control the bleach to one side. 

Left - Mohicans are optional!

how to bleach your jeanshow to create bleacher jeans the chic geekPretend you're Jackson Pollock and liberally drip the bleach over the jeans.

Left - Use standard household bleach

Let the jeans dry, best left overnight, then do the same on the other side.

Right - The bleach will look a bit green, but don't worry, it's working its punk magic!

Use a bucket to rinse or throw into the washing machine.

If you want a stronger contrast you can use the bleach directly. For something more subtle you can dilute the bleach with water and apply with a sponge.

the chic geek skinhead on washing line jeansThe longer you leave on the bleach the whiter/lighter it will become. 

Left - Hang the jeans on the washing line to dry

washing bleached jeansIt will look a bit sludgy green as though it has been attacked by Slimmer from Ghostbusters. Don’t PANIC. It gets worse before it gets better.

Left - When you've done both sides put them on a cold rinse in the washing machine

Below - Skinhead Geek! You can opt classic skinhead with a Brutus shirt or, maybe, a Fred Perry polo shirt and Dr Martens or you can take inspiration from the Gucci show abovethe chic geek punk jeans how to

skinhead geek punkthe chic geek punk blogger style menswearpress wwd the chic geek bleached jeansLeft - TheChicGeek practising what he preaches and making WWD's street style pictures during LCM 

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